Create food or snack product photos using AI πŸͺ„

Edit your product photos and make it more appetizing instantly

3 Simple Steps

1. Upload Photo

Why choose fotokatalog?



Doesn't require photography or design skills to start


Save Time

New product photos are ready in 1-2 minutes



Make your photos outstanding from the crowd



Various AI tools to help you with your content

Produk di atas marbel putih. Background putih terang, pencahayaan lembut yang merata, serta dihiasi dengan dedaunan hijau dan bunga-bunga, menciptakan suasana segar dan alami.
Background putih terang, pencahayaan lembut yang merata, di ruang tamu dengan meja kayu, menciptakan suasana segar dan alami.
Background putih terang di dapur modern, pencahayaan lembut yang merata, serta dihiasi dengan dekorasi-dekorasi, menciptakan suasana segar dan alami.
Di dapur tradisional indonesia, bernuansa teduh dan tenang


How can I use it?

Register account, upload your photo, describe the background, and let AI do the rest in seconds.

How long does the process take?

In 1-2 minutes, you can get up to 4 photo variations!

How many product photos can I get?

One creation generates 1 photo variation (requires 1 credit) or 2-4 variations at once (requires 2 credits).

How much does it cost?

One credit is just as cheap as $0.2, and it gets cheaper if you buy more!

Is there a free trial?

Sorry, we don't offer a free trial. However, we offer a trial package at $1.49 for 10 credits.

How can I purchase the credits?

Credit purchases can be made on the credit top-up page via

Are credits refundable?

We can only refund the trial package. If you are not satisfied with the results, please contact us.

What if I encounter issues?

If you encounter any issues, contact us via email at [email protected]

Level-up your product photos now!