Virtual Try-On for Fashion Brands
No model? No problem! Generate stunning fashion product photos in minutes.

Explore Our Virtual Model
Imagine your products worn by these gorgeous virtual models π
One Photo for Various Models

3 Simple Steps
Why choose fotokatalog?
Doesn't require photography or design skills to start
Save Time
New product photos are ready in 1-2 minutes
Make your photos outstanding from the crowd
Various AI tools to help you with your content
Sign up for an account, click upload fashion photos, select a model, and let the AI edit your photos to deliver results in seconds!
It only takes 1-2 minutes to generate up to 4 variations. With AI-powered online photo editing, the process is super fast and efficient.
Each time you create variations, you can get 1-4 variations. Perfect for creating attractive and diverse online store product photos.
One virtual try-on photo requires two Fotokatalog credits. One credit is just as cheap as $0.2, and it gets cheaper if you buy more!
After signing up, you will receive 2 credits for free to try all features. You can also purchase a trial package at $1.49 for 10 credits.
Credit purchases can be made on the credit top-up page via
Sorry, we do not offer refunds for purchased credits.
If you encounter any issues, contact us via email at [email protected]
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